Alba Immigration


International students are the backbone of the Canadian immigration. In order to come to Canada as an international student, you should first apply and get accepted from a Canadian educational institution.
Do not know where to study? We can help you choose the best Designated Learing Institution (DLI) according to you needs.
Once you have you approval, you should apply for a student visa (if required).
The student visa applications are the most controversial kind of applications, considering that the immigration agents get a very large number of such applications from all over the world, and, the fact that they have high discretion in the process of decision-making. We have assisted students from all over the world with their applications for student visas in Canada. We can assist you with your application and make it a smooth process for you.
After completion of their studies with a Canadian Designated Learning Institution, students are allowed to work in Canada full-time and if they wish, they can stay in Canada permanently. There are several programs which facilitate this process. If you are interested to come to Canada as a student, wish to extend your study permit, or apply for you post-graduate work permit and finally apply for PR in Canada, you can contact us here for more information.

Free Immigration Assessment

Find out your options for visa by completing a free online assessment.

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